Friday, July 27, 2007

The clock is ticking

The hour draws near...after a crazy day of wringing my hands about this/that, things that did/didn't get accomplished, things I want to/don't want to forget, I'm left with the realization that I still have to pack.


It's really too crazy and unsettling to even think about leaving the United States for a whole year and becoming illiterate overnight. I guess the little mermaid did okay when she didn't have her voice. But actually...things totally didn't work out for her. I know things will be better for me!

I'll keep this blog updated, and my goal is to take a lot of pictures. Don't believe me? Well, you're all reading the words of a girl who just bought "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Japanese" less than 24 hours before moving to Japan. I guess that means I procrastinate but I do get things done.

Speaking of which, I'm going to go get things done. It's going to be crazy, so please keep me in mind my friends.


Tyler S said...

Ganbatte, Melissa! Anata wa Nihon ga ichiban daisuki na zaisho ni narimasu.

Julia said...

Good luck Melissa!
Don't forget to write on this thing and tell us how its going!